Livewire Dirty States
#What is a dirty state?
A dirty state is a term used to describe a form that has had its data altered in any way, usually during an edit.
Livewire’s dirty state tracking is a feature designed to make your forms smarter and more interactive. It allows you to detect changes in form inputs and respond dynamically, whether it’s updating the UI, enabling/disabling buttons, or highlighting modified fields.
In this post, we’ll explore the key capabilities of dirty state tracking, complete with examples to help you implement them in your projects.
#The Basics of Dirty State Tracking
Livewire can determine if a form input has been modified using directives like:
• wire:dirty - Tracks if any property has changed.
• wire:target="property" - Tracks a specific property for changes. (You still need wire:dirty attribute)
• wire:dirty.class/attr="" - Dynamically add classes or attributes when an input is dirty.
• wire:dirty.remove.class/attr - Dynamically remove classes or attributes when an input is dirty.
#Examples in Action
Here’s how you can leverage dirty state tracking in a form:
Highlight Modified Field Titles
<label wire:dirty.class="text-orange-400" wire:target="form.title"> Title<span wire:dirty wire:target="form.title">*</span> </label> <input type="text" class="p-2 w-full border rounded-md bg-gray-700 text-white" wire:model="form.title" >
When the form.title property is modified, the label turns orange, and an asterisk appears to indicate the change.
Enable the Save Button
<button class="text-gray-200 p-2 bg-blue-700 rounded-sm disabled:opacity-75 disabled:bg-blue-300" type="submit" wire:dirty.class="hover:bg-blue-900" wire:dirty.remove.attr="disabled" disabled > Save </button>
This button stays disabled until any property in the form changes. Once dirty, the button’s hover effect is activated, and the disabled attribute is removed.
Toggle Additional Options
<div wire:dirty.class="text-orange-400" wire:target="form.notifications"> Notification Options<span wire:dirty wire:target="form.notifications">*</span> </div> <div x-show="$wire.form.allowNotifications"> <label class="flex items-center"> <input type="checkbox" value="email" class="mr-2" wire:model="form.notifications"> Email </label> <label class="flex items-center"> <input type="checkbox" value="sms" class="mr-2" wire:model="form.notifications"> SMS </label> <label class="flex items-center"> <input type="checkbox" value="push" class="mr-2" wire:model="form.notifications"> Push </label> </div>
This snippet dynamically reveals additional notification options when the form.allowNotifications property is true and tracks any changes to the notification settings.
#Why Use wire:dirty?
Livewire’s dirty tracking streamlines your form-handling process, improving UX with features like: • Real-time feedback on form changes. • Dynamic attribute and class manipulation. • Conditional logic based on input modifications.
Whether you’re building a simple form or a complex application, this feature makes your UI more intuitive and responsive.
Try it out in your next Livewire project and watch your forms come to life!